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Studio One

Conceptual Cube

The conceptual cube was our first project. The assignment was to design a cube based on things we had observed in 30th Streeet Station, like grids and axes, rhythm and movement, light and shadow, and solid and void. The concepts in this project include wrapping and enclosing. Please click on the image to enlarge.


Midterm - Fall 2012

Conceptual Pier

This design of a pier had two major contributors: a short analysis of Race Street Pier and a study of the movement in an over-hand volleyball serve. Combining these two elements proved to be a difficult challenge but a valuable learning experience. My pier focused more on the movement of the serve, shown in diagram and model. Please click on the image to enlarge.


Final - Fall 2012

Puzzle Box

The puzzle box was my favorite project last year. After a quick study of different types of connectors, I settled on using a hinge to create a box that consisted of one huge folding out piece. Please click on the image to enlarge.


Midterm - Winter 2013

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