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Studio Three

Site Analysis

Before the design process could begin, our group did a thorough analysis of the existing site. This helped to determine what was there to be worked with and what needed to be added. The full analysis has been condensed to more concise formatting for this site but still includes many of the important factors that led to our design decisions. Please click the image to enlarge.


Group:Burns, Farmer, Himler, Maamari, Mills, Ochal, O'Donnell, Ruisard, 

Vanderlek, Veasy   

Master Plan - 3638

3638 is a center for activity of all kinds of people of all ages. A north-south road was added to connect our site to Lancaster Ave, and a pedestrian walkway running east to west connects Drexel to a revitalized green space. Along these roads are buildings dedicated to multitudes of programs, many of which can actually transform functionally. Here are a few images from the design. Please click the image to enlarge.



Group:Burns, Farmer, Himler, Maamari, Mills, Ochal, O'Donnell, Ruisard, 

Vanderlek, Veasy   



Food Space

The Food Space is the hub of all things food at 3638. The program looks to precedents that incorporate different types of shops and restaurants as well as a grocery store all within one huge building. The design harkens to the idea of chaos that was created in the central plaza space of the master plan and works to organize that chaos in a meaningful way. Here are a few images from the design. Please click the image to enlarge.


Final - Spring 2014

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